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Welcome to Girl God Books!
As I former single mom myself, I was so thrilled to see this card out in the world! Below, you can find links download PDFs of Single Mothers Speak on Patriarchy and How to Live Well Despite Capitalist Patriarchy for free. You can also purchase many of our most popular books for half off - or order PDFs for $4.99. Be sure to order off this members only page to get your discount! And lastly, if you have little ones at home, please enjoy videos of some of most popular children's books read by the authors. We will continue to expand this program as we are able, so be sure to come back often!

Love and blessings,
Trista Hendren, Founder, Girl God Books

Click on cover to download free PDF copies on these two books:

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The Girl God How to Live Well New Love

My Name is Medusa Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves

Re-Membering with Goddess

Single Mothers Speak on
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Glenys Livingstone reads her children's book, My Name is Medusa


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