The Girl God

A book for children young & old, celebrating the Divine Female. Magically illustrated by Elisabeth Slettnes with quotes from various faith traditions & feminist thinkers

Praise for The Girl God

"The Girl God: a picture book to show girls that god can be a girl, god is inside, god is an idea, a positive action or good deed, god is open to creative interpretation and should be about everyone. A great book to dispel the myth that god is male with wonderful illustrations by Elisabeth Slettnes. Empowerment for our girl children." -a girl's guide to taking over the world

"A deceptively simple story about a whimsical young girl named Helani Claire, who would make Emily Dickinson smile as she deconstructs the patriarchal god of her father with the bluntness of a child. Akin to: If Kate Chopin was still alive, writing (and self-publishing) children's books. Elisabeth Slettnes' colorful paintings are feasts for the spirit, as are the addition of selected quotes and poems. Wisdom abounds." -Philadelphia Weekly

"This book will be one I treasure, for it is rare indeed--the articulation of the divine feminine for both children and adults, a bridge between our spiritual beginning and our spiritual future, a spark for the reawakening of humanity."
-Elizabeth Hall Magill, author of Defining Sexism

“A powerful celebration of the divine feminine. The illustrations speak directly to an active, inner imaginative space and will pull a child naturally to seek an understanding of Trista’s keen, insightful prose. The Girl God is a colorful and inventive addition for every parent’s library.”
–Perri Birney, author of Pure Vision: The Magdalene Revelation 

“This is a delightfully rich book that can spark conversation and reflection on many levels –and one worth returning to again and again.” –David Weiss, author of When God Was a Little Girl

“This book is a must for our daughters.” –Christy Turlington

“...a remarkable addition to interfaith literature for children and especially for young girls.” –North American Interfaith Network

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