
Trista Hendren founded Girl God Books in 2011 to support a necessary unraveling of the patriarchal worldview of divinity. Her first book—The Girl God, a children's picture book—was a response to her own daughter's inability to see herself reflected in God. Since then, she has published more than 50 books with hundreds of contributors from across the globe.

Trista Hendren is the Creatrix of Girl God Books. Originally from Portland, Oregon - she now lives in Bergen, Norway with her family.

Pat Daly is a mother of three daughters and proud grandma. A published author/writer on career and job search issues, Pat lives in Portland, Oregon. She has edited all of The Girl God books from the beginning.


Glenys Livingstone Ph.D. has been on a Goddess path since 1979. She is the author of PaGaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion, which fuses the indigenous traditions of Old Europe with scientific theory, feminism, and a poetic relationship with placeThis book was an outcome of her doctoral work in Social Ecology. Glenys was born and lives in country Australia, where she has facilitated Seasonal ceremony for decades, taught classes, and mentored apprentices. Her new book A Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos: Celebrating Her within PaGaian Sacred Ceremony documents the synthesis of her work over the past decades. She is the author of the children’s book My Name is Medusa, and co-editor of the anthology Re-visioning Medusa: from Monster to Divine Wisdom. In 2014, Glenys co-facilitated the Mago Pilgrimage to Korea with Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang. Glenys is a contributor to eleven anthologies including Goddessesin World Culture edited by Patricia Monaghan (2011), Foremothers of the Women’s Spirituality Movement edited by Miriam Robbins Dexter and Vicki Noble (2015), and Goddesses in Myth, History and Culture, edited my Mary Ann Beavis and Helen Hye-Sook Hwang (2018). She produced PaGaian Cosmology Meditations CDs and teaches a year-long on-line course "Celebrating Cosmogenesis in the Wheel of the Year" for both hemispheres. Her website is http://pagaian.org.


Kay Louise Aldred is a researcher, writer, and educator, who catalyses individual, institutional and collective evolution - through education, embodiment, and creativity - amalgamating metacognition, intuition, and instinct.

She has published three workbooks of her own with Girl God Books - Mentorship of Goddess: Growing Sacred Womanhood, Making Love with the Divine: Sacred, Ecstatic, Erotic Experiences and Somatic Shamanism: Your Fleshy Knowing as the Tree of Life - in addition to co-authoring Embodied Education: Creating Safe Space for Learning Facilitating and Sharing with her husband Dan Aldred. The couple reside in North Yorkshire, England.

FB, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn @kaylouisealdred

Elisabeth Slettnes is a world-renowned artist living in Lillehammer, Norway. She primarily works with oil and acrylic paintings on canvas. Elisabeth illustrated the first 3 books, The Girl GodMother Earth and Tell Me Why. You can see more of Elisabeth’s paintings at:www.elisabethslettnes.net

Arna Baartz is an artist, writer, educator and poet. She has been finger-painting from the beginning when her father, also creative, encouraged her by taping paper to the walls of their home and letting her loose with paint. As a result, she is an expressive artist with a belief in non-judgement, often purposely leaving her ‘mistakes’ in an attempt to allow the unfolding to participate in a finished piece. Arna influenced by her mother's creative story telling, also enjoys stringing words together to create a feeling. Poetry and writing fill many secret corners of her colourful life. 

Her arts practice ranges in extremes from the creation of small and playful to large and serious. Most of Arna’s work is an extension of her philosophical nature, bringing her gifts of personal insight and joy. Arna has won and been selected for many art awards including those of prestige and has had both art and words published extensively around the globe. Her first and favourite claim to fame however, was being held upside down and used as a paintbrush by Australian Artist, John Olsen. This fun was had at a workshop in St. John’s Cathedral, Brisbane, 1973. Her writing and poetry has also been published throughout the world in a plethora of magazines and online forums.

Arna is delighted to have the opportunity to create in this lifetime. Her art, words and poetry are transcendental to a degree and offer the intention of unconditional love and hopefully a little dab of inspiration to anyone else on a similar journey. Arna's more recent publications include, New Love - a reprogramming toolbox for undoing the knots (co-authored with Trista Hendren), My Abundant Universe, The Creative Warrior, The Animals Know it and The Sun is in my Mouth.

Kat Shaw
prides herself on breaking through the stereotypical views of beauty that have been cast upon society by the media, having made her name painting the glorious reality that is a woman’s body.  

Her nude studies of real women garnered unprecedented popularity within only a few short months, as women were crying out for themselves to be portrayed in art, rather than the airbrushed images of the perfection of the female form that are so rife in today’s culture.

After graduating with a fine art degree, Kat achieved a successful full-time teaching career for 14 years and continues to teach art part-time whilst passionately pursuing her mission of world domination by empowering as many women as possible to reach their fullest potential by embracing their bodies and loving themselves wholeheartedly. 

Kat spreads her inspirational magic through her artwork, her Wellbeing business “Fabulously Imperfect,” and her dedication to Goddess energy.

Reiki is a huge part of her life, and as a Reiki Master, Kat is committed to sharing Reiki, teaching Usui, Angelic and Karuna Reiki, and channelling Reiki energy through her artwork to uplift and heal.

As a Sister of Avalon, Kat also works directly with her Goddess consciousness, connecting to Goddess and Priestess energy and translating it into Divine Feminine infused paintings to inspire women and spread Goddess love. 

Kat is also a bellydancer and an avid pioneer to improve the lives of rescue animals, and mum to a gorgeous teenage daughter. Her art is often chosen for covers of Girl God Books and she has appeared in many of our anthologies. She has three books in the works with us as well, including Changing history to HerStory.

Tamara Albanna has always been connected to the Goddess, even when she didn’t realize it. As a Doula and Childbirth Educator, she witnessed divinity first hand through other women. Now as a writer, artist, Reiki healer and Tarot reader, she hopes to help others overcome their difficult pasts while healing with the Divine Mother. She has published two books on Inanna—Inanna's Ascent: Reclaiming Female Power (co-edited with Trista Hendren and Pat Daly) and My Name is Inanna; two books on Willendorf Willendorf's Legacy: The Sacred Body (co-edited with Trista Hendren and Pat Daly) and My Name is Goddess of Willendorf—as well as three poetry chapbooks, As I Lay By the Tigris and Weep, Rosewater, and Kismet. Tamara currently resides in Europe with her family. She can be found at https://tamara-albanna.com

Susan Morgaine is a Daughter of the Goddess, Priestess, Witch, Writer, Healer, Yogini. Her writings can be found on PaganPages.org, and MysticalShores.wordpress.com/blog, along with The Girl God Anthologies, Whatever Works: Feminists of Faith Speak and Jesus, Mohammed and the GoddessInanna's Ascent and Original Resistance—as well as Mago Publications She Rises, Volume 2, and Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess. She has also been published inJareeda and SageWoman magazines. She is the author of My Name is Isis, the Egyptian Goddess, the fourth of the “My Name Is………” series of children’s books published by The Girl God. She is currently co-editing On the Wings of Isis: A Woman's Path to Sovereignty, which is scheduled for Summer 2021.

Susan is a Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach/Facilitator through Imagine A Woman International founded by Patricia Lynn Reilly. She has long been involved in Goddess Spirituality and Feminism, teaching Kundalini Yoga classes, Goddess Spirituality workshops and Priestesses a local Red Tent. She is a member of the Sisterhood of Avalon. She can be reached at MysticalShores@gmail.com and her website is www.mysticalshores.com

Isca Johnson (formerly Jessica) is a contemporary witch and tarot reader who has been on the pagan path for about 20 years. Jessica is a mom of 3 active kids and also runs a tarot reading business, Stellar Tarot. Jessica loves to garden, read, write, paint, and knit. She has a YouTube channel, StellarRainDancer which is dedicated to talking about tarot, witchcraft, shamanism, and pagan parenting. A Daughter of the Morrigan, Isca is committed to bringing a modern, fresh take to the pagan community on working with traditionally darker goddesses. Her first book, My Name is The Morrigan, was published in 2018. She co-edited Warrior Queen: Answering the Call of The Morrigan, which was published in June of 2021. My Name is Brigid was published in 2022. An anthology dedicated to Brigid is scheduled for 2023.

Sharon Smith is a writer, ghost writer, editor, and proofreader with a passion for helping women reconnect with their Authentic Selves and Voices. She loves and honors the Great Mother in all Her many forms, and has a deep connection to Nature. She identifies as a Green Witch and follows an eclectic spiritual path that is a blending of Native American and Celtic Teachings, both in her ancestral line. Sharon has been a frequent Girl God contributor to many anthologies and is currently working on a revised hymnal.


Arlene Bailey is a visionary artist and author working in the realm of the Sacred Female in all her many visages. Arlene’s paintings and poetry/prose reflect the raw, visceral, and sacred wild in all women, while challenging and questioning everything we know to be true about the who of who we are as women walking in this  time. 

Through her magical weavings in word and paint—and, drawing on her trainings and skills as an Ordained Priestess, Women’s Mysteries Facilitator, Wise Woman Herbalist, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Retired Anthropologist—Arlene invites women to step into personal sovereignty as they listen to their ancient memories and voice of their soul.

Published in several Girl God Books’ anthologies, Arlene is also a monthly contributor to Return to Mago E-Magazine and has writings in two Mago anthologies. She is editing Women's Sovereignty and Bodily Autonomy Beyond Roe v. Wade. Her work can also be found on The Sacred Wild, a page on Facebook about re-wilding woman’s soul.

This Wise, Wild Crone lives in the Mountains of North Carolina, USA with her cats.


Barbara O’Meara (April 11th, 1963 – October 5th, 2023) was a professional visual artist, art activist, published writer & co-editor of Soul Seers Irish Anthology of Celtic Shamanism. Her 20 Solo Exhibitions included ‘B.O.R.N. Babies of Ravaged Nations’. Inter­national juried shows include ASWM ‘Wisdom Across the Ages’, Lockhart Gallery New York ‘Contemporary Irish Art’ & Herstory ‘Brigid’s of the World’ & ‘Black Lives Matter’. Community Arts include ‘Stitched with Love’ Tuam Baby Blanket laid out onsite at the Mother & Child Institution by survivors and families, at KOLO International Women’s Non-Killing Cross Borders Summit in Sarajevo and held by Bosnian women war survivors. ‘Sort Our Smears’ Campaign at ‘Festival of FeminismS’. ‘Home Words Bound’ publication with National Collective of Community Based Women’s Networks where her paintings accompany writing by Irish women about the Pandemic.  She continually developed empowering women’s ‘Art as Activism’ projects through her final weeks. She was honoured to feature in many Girl God Books including as featured artist of My Name is Brigid, which launched on Brigid’s Day 2022.  

Claire Dorey
Editor: Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess, Girl God Books. She is a regular contributor at Girl God Books, Return to Mago E-Magazine, and has been published in She Summons: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality, 2021, and Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess, 2023, both Mago Books. She illustrates her written work.

Her initiation upon the Goddess path occurred via ceremonial blessings by Priestesses in India. She is currently researching and intuitively interpreting meaning in ancient symbols from a feminist and cosmic perspective, using observation skills from her artistic training and by accessing creative wisdom from studying various healing practices, to try to see what ancient artists saw and feel how they felt.

Goldsmiths: BA Honors, Fine Art. Main Employment: Journalist and Creative, UK and overseas. Artist: Most notable group show, Pillow Talk at the Tate Modern. Included in the Pillow Talk Book. Curator: 3 x grass roots SLWA exhibitions and educational events focusing on Female Empowerment: Violence, Healing and Self. Current Artistic practice derives from the meditative, which she calls sending postcards from the dark subconscious. She runs two 'closed' FB groups, Esoteric Hissstories and Sirens at Source. Teaching Workshops: Sculpture and Drawing. Extra study: Suppressed Female History and Goddess studies; Accessing Creative Wisdom; Sound and Breath Work; Reiki Master; Colour Therapy; Hand Mudras; Reflexology type massage; Sculpture.

Emma Clark holds a PhD and teaches in the Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies at the University of Edinburgh. She has written books and articles on Celtic literature and has edited anthologies of Gaelic and Scottish poetry. The myth and symbolism of the land informs much of her research and she has always loved the magic at the heart of Celtic storytelling. This is her first children's book.

Reti Toriella is a Cerridwen priestess from Estonia. Her passion is wildlife, trees and animals. She holds a deep connection with nature. Reti lives in the forest with her fox. She loves to express this magical beauty in her art and crafts. Reti know how therapeutic painting and drawing is, like all creative activities. She gained this knowledge in art therapy at university. She loves music, deep shamanic drum beats and Celtic lyrical tunes. Her son and daughter have given Reti three grandchildren, to whom she shares her grandmother's wisdom and love.