Womens Sovereignty

June 24, 2022 will stand in infamy as the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the landmark case known as Roe v. Wade which gave women sovereignty over their own bodies with regard to abortion.

This turning back of the clock is not just in America. Women all over the world are nothing more than a commodity and we are still being raped and plundered; our right to do with our bodies as we choose once again on the chopping block.

As women from around the world and from a variety of situations weigh in on this new attack, Women's Sovereignty and Body Autonomy Beyond Roe v. Wade addresses the concerns and opinions of women from around the planet. Through art and poetry, prose and personal accounts, this shared atrocity that continues to be forced on women is brought into a new light with a rebel resolve that screams "NO MORE"!

"Wildly inspiring, this is a book of rebellion - an invocation of the fierce feminine that empowers us to rise up, to embody our sacred rage and reclaim our sovereignty."
-Dr Emer Sheahan, Psychologist & Somatic Psychotherapist

"In many ways, this is a book to be experienced, to sink into with all of one's being, to find within the expression of one's own and the collective woundings of living in a woman's body in a patriarchal culture determined to wrest control of that body, and of the uprising those attempts at restricting our autonomy evokes. A common theme throughout was, quite simply, rage – or as Anne Wilson Schaef said long ago in her Women's Reality — "giving red rage the green light." As so many of the contributors note, patriarchy has required women to be small, silent, passive, accepting, but this anthology allows and evokes the full venting of women's fury at having our bodily autonomy stripped away. But more than this, it is a call to use this anger to claim our power and voice to rise up against these incursions on women's sovereignty. Throughout, writers and artists invoke the feminine divine – especially the fierce and powerful goddesses and divine mothers – Lilith, Kali, Isis, Morrigan, Hecate, Boudicca – to inspire and empower... This is a rich and powerful collection."

-Elizabeth Ann Bartlett, Ph.D., Feminism and Religion

Cover Art by Ravynne M Phelan 


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