Willendorf's Legacy: The Sacred Body

Travel through time and discover a world where the fullness of women was both admired and deified. Reclaim your beautiful Goddess body through the rich pages of this powerful collection of art, poetry and essays celebrating our divine inheritance as daughters of Willendorf.

Praise for Willendorf's Legacy
"This is an anthology of personal, deep-felt reflections written by women who at long last are seeing themselves as beautiful and in the image of the Goddess."-Miriam Robbins Dexter, Author of Whence the Goddesses, A Source Book and Sacred Display: Divine and Magical Female Figures of Eurasia

“Women are rising and will continue to rise—coming out of the shadows of the underworld with the powers of transformation. 
This book offers a treasure trove of short articles written by a variety of contributors. It is a feast of the feminine and I highly recommend this book.”
-Dr. Sharon Mijares. Author of The Power of the Feminine: Facing Shadow Evoking Light with Aliaa Rafea, Tenzin Dhardon Sharling, Joshua Amponsem, & Mary Rogers.

"A surprisingly small statue was discovered near Willendorf and I have loved her since I first saw her. Mysteriously unfaced, deliciously round, solid, ultimate female. I used her image in my book, Embracing Willendorf: a Witch's Way of Loving Your Body to Health and Fitness and I used her to learn to love my voluptuous body when the culture told me it was ugly and wrong.

This new book continues that work in a fresh and exciting way and I whole-heartedly recommend it. Well organized and well written, Willendorf's Legacy: The Sacred Body, is a careful compilation of writings about the history of women's bodies, both sacred and defiled. This book should be read by women, young and old and in-between, and discussed in groups and workshops and conferences. The time is now to smash through the barriers that keep women from full participation in the world and this book lays the foundation for women's strength and self-confidence. Physical power begins with loving our bodies and treating them (and therefore ourselves) with respect and the deepest love.
Get it. Read it. Live it. The time is now." -H. Byron Ballard, priestess, witch, author

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