
Girl God Books

Lady of the Forge

Throughout this book you will see many stunning pieces of art, and read many beautiful works, including essays, stories, histories, poems, chants, prayers, and incantations dedicated to the goddess and Saint, Brigid. She is a goddess who has not just survived the Christianisation of Europe, but thrived since it. No matter what name you know Brigid by, or how you celebrate this loving goddess, you are one of us: a follower of Brigid, and one of her many, many children. So, let us do the most Brigid-thing of all, join hands and begin this journey together, reading and honoring Brigid as a collective, joined together by threads of love and healing energy.

"This germinal book gifts the reader a vast array of heartwarming, soul-stirring expressions of devotion to Brigid. The sense of dedication from each contributor to the force of nature that is this pre-Celtic goddess is so palpable, so tangible you can almost taste its power.

Brigid's relevance today is vital to the future of our beautiful blue-green home Earth. Our modern lives converge with those of her time though now our battles are climate change and social justice.

To walk with Brigid is a brave step, to hear her call is an act of reverence for the balance and harmony of the Divine Feminine and Masculine – equal but different. She will be our guide and guardian as we remember who we truly are and why we have chosen to incarnate in this pivotal shift in human consciousness."
-Dr. Karen Ward

Edited by Isca Johnson, Pat Daly and Trista Hendren

Preface by Dr. Karen Ward

Scheduled for Imbolc 2025

Those who pre-order before January 10th will receive their copy ahead of publication to enjoy at Imbolc and receive a recording of the beautiful Brigid Meditation by Chelsea Arrington featured in the anthology.

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